每次看國外媒體報導逃往歐洲的難民,令人難過的新聞總是比較多。不過今天偶然看到一項名為Flüchtlinge Willkommen (FW)的計劃,用類似Airbnb的方式為難民們找到他們在德國的家,所以也被稱為"Airbnb for Refugees"。


其實"Refugees Welcome"不只是這項計劃的名稱,在社群網站上也是一個熱門的標籤。除了民眾之外,連出版社和足球球隊都使用了這個標語,利用#refugeeswelcome便能找到其他幫助難民的行動。先從出版社如何出一份力說起吧:

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The Lovely Rival

        Love, candy, and toys are the three basic elements for a happy childhood, but these resources are limited, and unfortunately I was forced to fight for them because of my younger sister. She was everyone’s sweetheart, with curly hair, a pair of small eyes with single-lids, and a chubby face with rosy cheeks. Every day she woke up, she would use her favorite strawberry toothpaste and apply some lavender body lotion to her small hands. She looked and smelled just like a blooming cherry blossom in the spring, while I was a withering tulip in the autumn. In order to catch more attention, I wore skirts every day and boasted about my grades to my parents, but in vain. It seemed that I would not have a promising future if the problem was not fixed.

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