

The Lovely Rival

        Love, candy, and toys are the three basic elements for a happy childhood, but these resources are limited, and unfortunately I was forced to fight for them because of my younger sister. She was everyone’s sweetheart, with curly hair, a pair of small eyes with single-lids, and a chubby face with rosy cheeks. Every day she woke up, she would use her favorite strawberry toothpaste and apply some lavender body lotion to her small hands. She looked and smelled just like a blooming cherry blossom in the spring, while I was a withering tulip in the autumn. In order to catch more attention, I wore skirts every day and boasted about my grades to my parents, but in vain. It seemed that I would not have a promising future if the problem was not fixed.

       One day, when I was alone in our bedroom, I grew curious about her “spoils.” Since she was a lovely girl, she must have captured many adults’ hearts. I looked around to see if there was someone around, and then cautiously locked the door. As I climbed onto her huge wooden desk, it creaked as if it was going to warn other people. My limbs were stiffening, my heart pounding, and I was panting. I kept on searching for something special until my eyes fell on a picture book of Hayao Miyazaki’s latest movie. A sense of bitter jealousy struck me. When I opened the book, its spine made a clear stretching sound, and its pages smelled of a mild timber fragrance. Picking up a marker, I scribbled on those exquisite pictures and left many wavy and curly lines on her precious book.

       After wreaking havoc on that book, I wrapped it up with newspaper and hid it under my bed. By the time my sister got home, the crime scene had already been altered. I was terribly smug when she found her book missing. I could hear the devil giggling on one side of my shoulder, but I didn’t see the angel weeping on the other side. As a child, I didn’t feel sorry for her at all. I thought that was the only chance for me to defeat my sister and for the first time I turned the odds in my favor. In retrospect, I was so self-centered that I didn’t notice what harm I’d caused to other people. Instead, I regarded myself as a victim and craved more love and care from my parents.

The newspaper-wrapped “package” became my secret from then on, and I would check it once in a while. As time went by, I got less confident about myself and more uncertain of whether to tell the truth. Before long, the package was gone. Maybe it was taken as a trash paper pile and then discarded by my mother or discovered by my sister. I went through every shelf, every floor, and every corner in the house just to find it, but it was nowhere to be seen. If it had been discovered by my family, I could at least justify my jealousy, but the missing package was like a demon in my heart and it made me even more unforgivable to myself.

A few days after the package was gone, when my mother came home at night, she had a secret package in her hands. The package paper was ivory-white and the box was the size of Starbuck’s venti cup. She told me it was a coupon gift from the department store. I asked if I could take a look at it.

“Don’t tell your sister, or she would also want one,” she said unconcernedly.

On hearing her words, my brain almost went blank and I started to feel bad about my malice toward my sister. The devil on my shoulder made a jeering expression to me, while the angel remained silent. Tears came around my eyes, the sense of guilt seized my heart, but my selfishness gaged my conscience.

Although I regretted hiding her picture book, I still took that gift as my own possession. When I opened it, a Hello Kitty doll stood still inside and the lipless cat looked perfectly innocent. Yet I didn’t feel any warmth from its furry face and its pure black eyes. My secret remains undiscovered till now, but I wonder if I looked innocent to those adults. Did I really deserve that “spoil”? Now I know the bitterness I had in my heart was jealousy, which made my eyes blinded and my ears blocked. I didn’t realize that I could also be an adorable girl if I had tried to show the best part of me.

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